About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Manchester World Cup

Hi all,

Well its been a week since I returned home from Manchester. It feels like it has been a long time, and I have only just gotten over the trip after suffering from some bad jet lag along with a nice little bug I picked up on the plane that has seen me out of action for a few days. Its always tough for us Aussies to do such a trip but it was a successful and worthwhile trip for not only me but all of us in the team.

With the competition continuing to heat up in preparation for the Olympic Games the World Cup was one of the biggest ever run with four hotels accommodating all the teams. We were lucky enough to get a hotel in the city which was a nice change of pace and it allowed us to be a little more social and go out and do some sightseeing things prior to competition - that was if we weren't having epic UNO battles! UNO is becoming a bit of a tradition amongst the Aussie team and Anna Meares and myself were happy to educate some of the newer and younger members of this team to the tradition. It feels weird for me to say that I was one of the older members of the team this trip as I am only 23 but our team seems to be getting younger! It was a nice change of pace to have some new faces around and the new faces will be the faces to look forward to come Rio 2016 - its exciting for Australian cycling to say that we not only have the talent to go through to London but also heading into future competitions.

The Manchester 'Eye', we chose the perfect night to go on this with no cloud cover - I didn't enjoy it that much as I don't do heights but I am glad I did it!

One of the many pictures I took from the top, its not a bad old city Manchester! :)

Me and Michael Frieburg about to get on the cart!

Ha-ha sorry Mel I had to put this up! Mel Hoskins showing us how much she loves Yogi Bear! Mel is seriously the most amazing person when it comes to quoting things from movies - not only can she ride a bike fast but she can amaze you with her one liners! : )

Gearing up for another epic battle of UNO! Seriously I think UNO should sponsor us!

Heading out for a coffee! Left to right: Anna Meares, Mitchell Lovelock-Fay, Mel Hoskins, Mitchel Mulhern and Jordan Kerby.

Day one: Team Sprint - 'Lock and Load'
This was the first team sprint of the season for Anna and I was admittingly very nervous as I knew that my form was a little unknown, particularly seeing as we trained through this meet. Gary West, our coach, was adamant in treating the ride as training and preparation for the World Championships so outcome was irrespective. Being a World Champion evokes a kind of confidence and pride that far outweighed my nerves this night. The moment I zipped up my skin-suit I was going out for blood - losing wasn't in my equation tonight and I knew Anna felt the same when she came and gave me a little pep talk before our qualifying.

Our heat was very sketchy and I have to say I feel quite thankful to have ridden in Manchester in order to get the skeletons out of the closet so to speak. I stuffed up my warm up and so I was cold on the start line and then my holder was holding my really crooked and I couldn't balance properly and my start was just horrible. I was able to get on OK but my run was pretty ordinary and I just wasn't warm enough to produce a great ride. Lesson learnt the hard way! And in hindsight from it I drew a lot of positives - the first being that we rode an OK time and I knew I could do better in the final. But we were in the deep end with the Chinese out qualifying us by 3tenths of a second!

I was pretty fired up for the final and I made sure I was warm on the start line. I still had a bit of trouble with my holder but there's nothing I can do about that because its just the way it is so I had to work with it and this time I nailed the start. It was a great ride by us both and I cant fault too much in the ride - and we won! Less than a tenth of a second off our World Record which surprised me so much that I even yelled when I saw the result on the scoreboard! There is something about winning when you are the underdog - whilst we may have been the favourites we certainly were in trouble after the heat and with the Chinese dominating the season so far I felt like we were definitely up for a battle. The Chinese are proving to be a real force and Anna and I both know that we not only have the Chinese snapping at our heels but there are a number of countries coming - and coming fast. The best thing about this however is that it makes us better - and we will be better I can promise you that!

The next day I went to breakfast and some of the newer faces of the team came up to me and said to me that they think I didn't look like I was trying when I rode last night. I quote from Mitchel Mulhern:
"What were you doing? You don't even look like you try, its like you just 'lock and load' and go!"
I was very amused by this, and I think I'll take this one on board as a bit of a trait of mine. I train to ride fast and to ride fast you must use power efficiently. I may look like I am not trying but I can guarantee to you that I am bloody trying! I am just efficient in power delivery. I haven't always been like this and its still a work in progress - its hard to train and it takes time - the evolution of my riding style and I have my gym coach Scott Baker and coach Gary West to thank for this. This saying became a bit of a saying around the team for the next few days...very funny and thanks guys! :)

Anna and I heading into bend 3 after about 3/4 of a lap down

Me following Anna ready to go for my lap

Almost there....

About to go under Anna...this photo shows how close it all is...it doesn't feel like it when I am racing but I know Anna so well and I have the utmost confidence in being able to come underneath her and be close to her an her wheel.

'Locking and Loading' it! less than half a lap to go...COME ON!

OK the legs are starting to hurt now!

Always one of my favourite photos - I only ever remember two things from a good ride, one is Anna yelling at me when she swings up and the other is seeing Gary as I enter the home straight yelling at me also...lots of yelling!

Searching for the scoreboard...have we won???

YES! And alsmost a WR! Woo hoo!

Anna and I hug after winning! :)

Team Sprint podium: Jin Jin Gong and Shuang Guo (CHN), Me and Anna, Sandie Clair and Clara Sanchez (FRA)

Day Two: Sprint
Surprisingly I was feeling quite OK after a late night at the track after the team sprint. I was very business like in how I approached the sprint today as I wasn't actually supposed to ride it but we changed our minds at the last minute to use it as training from the tactical and technical perspectives in preparation for the World Championships.

Qualifying went well in 11.300 and I ended up finishing in 7th overall. I was happy with that and it was what I was expecting with my current form. In the first round I met Yvonne Hijgenaar of the Netherlands.

Getting ready to race - the 'race face' is on!

I have raced Yvonne and number of times before so I was very confident in racing her. My execution of my race was a little sketchy so I was glad to have raced here and again get the skeletons out of the closet. I defeated Yvonne to progress through to the quarter finals. I met Olympic bronze medalist Shuang Guo from China in the quarters and having qualified second in 11.03 I was up for a bit of a challenge. Despite this I actually raced reasonably well but lost in two straight rides which meant I was put through to the 5th-8th ride off.

Me racing Shuang Guo from China

5th to 8th's are a bit of a lucky dip and its rare you race these races so I was out to put myself in a good position and simply see what happened. It was on from the get go and with a lap to go I found myself boxed in and had to fight to get out and couldn't quite get out with enough time and ended up finishing 7th. Overall I was happy with this and I know that it will hold me in good stead for the Worlds.

The finish of the 5th-8th...close but no cigar as they say!

Day three: Keirin
Keirin being the last event for me at most major events is always a challenge in the earlier rides. I always get better as the day wears on and so in the first rounds I always find myself behind the motorbike thinking 'holy crap my legs feel like crap!'. In the first round these days only one person qualifies through to the second round so everyone has their work cut out for them. I rode a poor race tactically and as a consequence deserved not to make it through, I made a run around the outside late in the race and whilst I came fast I simply had to go too wide and got pushed back as we turned the bend into the home straight - so I was through to the reps.

I had a fairly good rep and again my biggest challenge came from Yvonne Hijgenaar. My tactic was simple - to be in front of Yvonne. This I executed very well and I felt confident as I crossed the line in first that my legs were starting to become a little more agreeable. So I was through to the second round.

The second round as per usual is now pretty much a final in terms of the quality of the field. This of course makes for great and tough racing. I had a pretty simple tactic and was able to be flexible in my delivery of the tactic as the race evolved. From my point of view it was a defining moment for me in terms of Keirin racing as I was more aggressive with holding my position and how I read the race. I ended up finishing second to Victoria Pendleton and as I rode up the home straight coming around everyone else I knew my legs were good!

The final saw Anna Meares (AUS), Shuany Guo (CHN), Jin Jin Gong (CHN), Victoria Pendleton (GBR), Clara Sanchez (FRA) and myself line up and after drawing 6th spot I was a little unsure as to how I was going to ride this final. I had two options to sit on and wait for a run and hope I get a medal or make a move and put myself in a position to win. As the bike swung off I made the last second decision to go around to the front deciding for the first time at this level that I had the legs to lead out. with 1and3/4 of a lap to go Anna made an absolutely 100% committed run around the outside which I missed by only half a bike length and in doing so the others in the race got her run and I found myself boxed in and in trouble. I ended up finishing last as I sat up the home straight. I was slightly disappointed that the race didn't unfold how I wanted but that's Keirin racing sometimes you get unlucky. The positive is that I made a move and I put myself in a position - one day that will pay off for me.

Racing is all done so I help Berthy get Mel ready for the last race of the meet!

Mel Hoskins getting ready for the last event in the Omnium - the 500m Time Trial. Mel raced really well and she will be going to her first senior World titles this year, good luck Mel.

With the end of the World Cup we began our epic trip back to Australia. The team and I were honoured to win the overall prize, having won the most medals and points! We celebrated by posing for lots of photos and when I get my hand on those photos I shall post them as they are hilarious! In the airport we wasted time talking rubbish and shopping - I found these awesome sunnies which everyone HAD to try on!

The Aussie team as overall winners! Left to right, top to bottom: Mitchell Mulhern, Anna Meares, Jordan Kerby, Michael Frieburg, Bella King, Rohan Dennis, Mitchell Lovelock Fay, Amy Cure, Me and Mel Hoskins. Well done team! :)

Bella King donning the bicycle glasses!

Jason Niblett looks good in these glasses

Mitchell Lovelock Fay in the sunnies

We had a long 15hour stop over in Singapore with which Anna and I spent constructively by putting a nice big dint in our bank accounts! We also did a bit of sightseeing and even went into a temple which was quite impressive!

The temple in Singapore

Me outside the temple!

Since returning home I have finally gotten better and started training again - our last phase for the season (which is the best part I might add!). Last night I went to the Michael Buble concert with Berthy May and Anna Meares and whilst we all would have loved to have sipped on a champagne and watched Buble woo us Anna and I were sipping n our drink bottles instead - we felt very uncool! Despite this we all managed to enjoy ourselves immensely and I highly recommend everyone going to see him!

With less than two weeks now before we head off to the worlds I will be regularly updating my blog so keep posted and I hope you enjoyed this one and all the photos! Thanks kindly to Paul Sloper for the amazing photos of our Team Sprint, Paul will be at the World Championships so I hope to have some more great photos for you all of the racing courtesy of Paul. Thanks Paul! :)

Take care everyone,

Karls :)Justify Full

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