About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Australian Title Day Four

The Keirin has been very cut throat lately at World Cup level and even at nationals. With only one person progressing through to the finals in the first round I was pretty determined to make sure I got through without having to ride another round. In the first round I was successful in doing that winning comfortably to go through to the final.

In the final it was a pretty tough field with all medal winners from the week plus April Eppinger - who is a great opponent. I was a little unsure as to what my tactic was going to be but once in the race I just went on feel and did what I thought would give me the best shot at winning. The Keirin to me is not just about winning or progressing through rounds but also disadvantaging you're toughest opponents - who in this case was Anna Meares. Off the start Anna got the bike and I got her wheel. I could have very easily sat on her wheel to get a medal however thats not the way I operate and was dead determined to win tonight. When the bike swung off I went to the front and put the brakes on consequently boxing Anna in. I then waited and watched for the attack around the outside which came about 3/4 of a lap later and I slowly increased the pace. Being the last race of the meet I could feel my legs to start to give way on me though come the last lap. As you can see in the photo below I was hurting with a lap to go and new I was in big trouble! I got swamped up the home straight finishing 4th. I was pretty devastated but in discussion with my coaches I was relieved to hear that I had ridden a great race - but my legs were working against me! Sometimes as an elite athlete you have to race on tired legs as we cant simply be at our best all the time, this whole week was a case of that and for me it was a great weeks worth of racing and training that will set me up for some great form for worlds. Its hard when you get beaten to remain focused on the bigger picture however I am learning to be better at it and life always throws you what you need - I needed a lesson in perspective today and I always learn best when its hard to take!

Lined up ready to go in the Keirin final, left to right: April Eppinger, Cass Kell, Stephanie Morton, Anna Meares, Me, Holly Williams.

Taken the front and backing off the power! Come on!

Uh-oh! Hurting with a lap to go!

Tonight Cycling Australia put on a special dinner in the middle of the track for special guests and my family bought tables to come and watch me! It was so great having my family and closest supporters in the middle watching me and I thank-you from the bottom of my heart for coming and always supporting me - even though I lost tonight!!

A big thanks has to go out to the whole of the NSW team. We had such a great team environment and support staff and we couldn't do what we do without our support staff! Everyone pulled together and did such a great job. So THANK-YOU for making the week very enjoyable!

Whilst my titles didn't quite end the way I wanted I look forward now to the last World Cup of the year - Manchester. With worlds still 6weeks away we are all no where ready to race at our best so for me its about getting out there and racing - the outcome is not as important, however that's not to say I wont be going out with gold in my eyes! Anna and I will be teaming up for the first time this season in the Team Sprint. I am quietly confident as I know that no matter what I always lift - the rainbows help me to do that and knowing that I am the best in the world in that event gives me the confidence to believe in Anna and myself under any circumstances. As for the other events I am still unsure as to what I will be racing but I wont be doing a full program so only time will tell what I do! Until Manchester take care everyone! :)


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