About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Gatorade fights, wasp stings and suicidal chipmunks...

With only a week left on our training camp the days seem to be flying by in a bit of a fatigued blur. I cant remember being so stuffed from training for some time. All I seem to do at the moment is sleep, eat, train, study. This however is a good thing and is always the purpose of a training camp. I have been riding quite well and am showing some signs of the development of some sweet form. My team mates also seem to be thriving off the camp and everyone is in high spirits, despite being tired. We are all however looking forward to a change of pace and getting to our next destination and meeting up with the rest of our Commonwealth Games team mates before heading over to Delhi, including the rest of the sprint team of Jason Niblett and Shane Perkins who have been sorely missed!

I recieved a great email last week from my NSWIS (New South Wales Institute of Sport) team of Katie Slattery (Sport scientist) and Sam Pervan (Strength and Conditioning) of a photo of a skin-suit that I signed for NSWIS and Katie and Sam in particular. There is no way I would be where I am right now without there support and development of me as an athlete. I love returning home to NSW and using the NSWIS facilities and working with Katie, Sam and Gary Sutton (NSWIS head coach). I feel very proud to be up on the NSWIS wall of fame and be amongst such athletes like Ian Thorpe. Thanks NSWIS, Katie, Sam and Gary.

As most people may know I am currently studying at the Australian College of Physical Education (ACPE), I have been really lucky to be able to do my subjects by correspondence and I have a really good lecturer and support team back at the College. I thank them greatly for having an appreciation for what I do and for my goal of (eventually!) obtaining a degree.

Next month I will be a feature story in the new Australian women's sport magazine called Move. Its a great magazine and I am really proud to feature in it so please do go out and buy a copy and support women's sport in Australia! : )

This past week has been quite a funny and testing one. Everyone has a cranky day and our poor coach Gary West tends to cop the flack of our cranky days. I said to Gary the other day what would he do if we all had a cranky day at once...he couldn't even comprehend that! Ha-ha.

With being tired and cranky comes some testing times between us athletes as well. Yesterday at track fellow NSW team mate Peter Lewis took it upon himself to create some trouble whilst I was taking a sip of my Gatorade he squirted it fully into my mouth which resulted in Gatorade going all over me! None the less I got him back by squirting the remaining Gatorade all over him. Vengeance is sweet! : ) I was also stung by a wasp yesterday as well, but it was only a small sting and I only suffered from a little but of inflammation thankfully! It hurt though!

There are a lot of chipmunks where we are staying and some of them are crazy little buggers. One little guy on our road ride the other day got a bit of a scare when he was crossing the road as we were riding along, he was quick to turn around and run back to his tree. It was quite funny - but then again we find a lot of things funny being so delusional and tired. Ha-ha.

This week has also marked the beginning of a lot of information starting to come through for the Commonwealth Games. Its starting to hit me a little and I get goosebumps thinking about it! Unfortunately though I found out last night that we will be unable to attend the opening ceremony as we race the following day. I will have to make friends with some other Australian athletes so they can take photos for me!

Apologies for the lack of photos this blog, I broke my last camera and only bought a new camera a few days ago - a lot of the photos are not very interesting, they are mostly of the taking photos of themselves posing. Ha-ha. So I will make a great effort before the next blog to take a lot of photos.

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