About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Australian Championships Day Four

Day four like usual is always the Keirin. I like that the Keirin is the last event because it requires not as much mental energy as the sprint, its still a mental battle of course and lining up against Anna as the World Champion amongst the other Australians was going to be a tight battle.

To make it through to the final without having to go through the repecharge I had to finish in the top two and thats all I focussed on! One less ride was on mind! Keirins are very cut throat on the World stage these days with 6heats and only one girl processing through to the send round so I know the pressure that there is to perform well in that first race. I won my heat fairly comfortably to go through to the final and I was surprised at how good my legs felt and knew I had a good shot in the evening to take a win.

The final was much anticipated BUT not before my brother teamed up with Tirian McManus in the Junior Men's Madison. HE WON! I am so proud of Jack and Tirian that words can't really describe it! They rode so well and had to have some serious guts in the last 20laps when they made a few mistakes with their changes. They won by one point over the other NSW team of Nathan Bradshaw and Caleb Ewan. Jack was so happy and as he came over and gave me a big hug he as usual said to me: 'That was the hardest race ever.' I was inspired by Jack and Tirian and really wanted to stand on that top podium with them at the end of the night.

I had a plan in the Keirin and I have to say I executed it with precision. I was really happy with the patience I displayed and the way in which I tackled quite an adverse situation. Anna had the bike and I was in 6th position, not ideal as I wanted Anna only 2 people ahead of me so I could try to out jump her first. As it turned out I found myself about 20m off her coming into bell lap and with her committing early I had a split second thought that I had stuffed it up because I was waiting for her to commit so I could run her down. But as I went down the back straight and realised how quickly I was gaining I had a glimmer of hope that I had this!! Anna won her World Title in the Keirin in 2011 by riding from the front and rightly so because she would have to be the hardest person EVER to come around and as I came up onto her hip and realised that I wasn't going anywhere my heart sunk but I fought on to lose by less than half a wheel. I was pretty devastated but as usual I walked away knowing that I did everything I could, I could not have ridden that race any better and was content knowing that I will be better for every race I ride against Anna.

So I got to stand on a slightly lower tier of the podium next to my brother that night and celebrate his first Australian Championship with him and our parents! It was a great way to end a fantastic Championships and I look forward to next years Australian Titles as always with vigour and anticipation. Perseverance they say is what separates the great from the greater.

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