About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Goodbye Adelaide...Hello my dreams...

Well 4days and counting now before the team and I head off for our final prep for the Commonwealth Games. I suppose its only starting to sink in that in less than two months time I will be rolling out onto the track in Delhi not only wearing the green and gold but for the first time in my career realising one of my childhood dreams. To be a member of any Australian team is a huge honour but to represent Australia at the Commonwealth Games means so much to me. Not only that but its yet another opportunity for me to try and make a stand on the international stage of cycling and put my hand up as one of the favourites going into London in the individual events. Gold is what I am dreaming of and gold is what I want to bring home. This for me is a stepping stone to the ultimate - the Olympics.

The last few days have been quite tough. Training was a little tougher than I expected for an 'easy' week and I struggled by the end of the week. Luckily I have a few very easy days until we fly out as I feel that my body has reached its limit in terms of how far I can push it. This is actually a good thing because it means that I utilised the phase of training to its maximum potential and I didn't under reach or over reach - both of which have serious consequences.

On top of the training load I have desperately been trying to finish two Uni assignments due next week - which I am finding very hard to sit still and complete! I'll get into a roll for 20minutes and then I'll start thinking about how windy it is outside or something else I need to pack in my bag for my trip! Its very frustrating! Like for instance right now I should be finishing them up but I decided to write in my blog instead! Ha-ha!

Tomorrow I will finish the exact art of 'bag packing'. We are allowed 20kg of luggage only to take away for two months. This is not an easy task let me tell you! To give you an idea just on shoes I have to take: gym shoes, runners and 2pairs of cycling shoes. These are necessities (you will notice I didn't include high heels!) and they take a good chunk of weight allowance - not to mention I need to take a variety of training kits. On top of that I have a few odds and ends to tie up and make sure I am basically all set to go tomorrow for a Tuesday departure!

As I may have mentioned in an earlier blog we travel to America for four weeks. After our stint in America we meet up with the rest of the Aussie team for the Com Games in Aigle, in Switzerland. There we will be riding on an indoor 200m track (a size that I have never ridden on before!). We are there for 2weeks before finally heading over to Delhi in India, where I am told we will be the first Aussie team into the village. Which is exciting because we will get first reign on the kit! The official team is announced this week (hopefully my name is on that list!) and I am looking forward to seeing who else will be donning the green and gold in India!

A special mention here to my latest sponsor Selle SMP, who are supplying me with my new saddles. I cant recommend these saddles any more highly. Since I started riding 5years ago I have changed saddles at least every year and finally I have found one which is SO good. Its very comfy and ergonomically designed to accomodate for both males and females. As seen in this picture I am riding the female version of the 'Forma' which is wider in the back (to allow for women with wider pelvic bones like me!) and as you can see it dips down in the middle. This is perfect for me as previously I tended to sit crooked on my seat (mainly because of comfort issues) and this seat doesnt allow this. I love it and I think all cycling enthusiasts should try one!

I will regularly update my blog every few days while I am away so keep an eye on my website.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MUM (aka mothership) FOR TOMORROW. I love you to the stars and back : )

Take care all : )

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