About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Warm weather and high spirits

Hi all,

Our first week on camp has been great with lovely weather and high spirits. Our first week here has been great with plenty of road rides out in the sun...my skin which has not seen sun for about 5months got a bit of a shock and rather than be blinded by my own whiteness now I am slightly tanned (I say slightly because I don't tan!).

Out on the road in the sunshine : )

The full team gearing up for a ride: (left to right) Emily Rosemond, Daniel Ellis, Me, Scott Sunderland, Anna Meares, Peter Lewis and Alex bird)

On a training camp we usually have a fair amount of time to spend in between sessions. So we have to find ways to keep ourselves entertained...

The boys (Scott Sunderland left, Peter Lewis right) playing 'mini ping-pong'

Scott Sunderland and Daniel Ellis attempting to walk up the stairs without bending their knees...as you can tell, we get bored - I too attempted this, unsuccessfully!

Once a week we are treated to a night out for tea with all the team including the support staff - with whom without we couldn't possibly do what we do. I was lucky enough on this occasion to sit next to our 'swanny' Berthy May on this night. Berthy is our second mum when we are away and she does a great job...undoubtedly the best swanny in the world!
Berthy and I

Training thus far for me has been going very well, and as a group great as well. We are all really thriving on the idea that in 39days most of us get to don the green and gold and roll out onto the track in Delhi. The team was officially announced just last week and I am proud to say that 6 NSW people are in the team and 3 of those are from my club St. George CC. Check out the link:


The NSW riders are:

Ashlee Ankudinoff (Track Endurance) St George
Megan Dunn (Track Endurance)
Christopher Sutton (Mens Road) St George
Mark Renshaw (Mens Road)
Rochelle Gilmore (Womens Road)
Myself (Track Sprint) St George

Congratulations to the 27 people named in the team and good luck! : )

We were unfortunate for one of the days to be struck with some bad weather, and so we were forced to sit on the rollers as a substitute! I was kind of hoping I wouldn't have to get on these for any extended amount of time until the games!

You can tell I look rather happy! Worst thing was that I was busting to go the toilet and the door to the toilets was locked...its not nice riding with a full bladder!

We have been lucky this trip to go do some sightseeing. Its very rare on any trip away that we get to see much more than the airport, velodrome and hotel. So it was nice to pass the time looking at some wonders of the world...rather than trying to climb stairs without bending our knees! ha-ha!
The team enjoying a day out and and afternoon off the bike! : )

As some people might know I am a huge fan of quotes. There is nothing better than when you are feeling down or need a bit of reassurance to read a quote that means something to you or uplifts you. The quote in the photo I think sums me up in one. I often cop quite a lot of stick from people about 'not being normal'...well I am normal, just uncommon. I like to think that being different and sticking up for what you believe in is worth a lot than being someone who just follows the norm - and it is why I will be the best in the world at what I do, and already so far am thanks to a great team mate in Anna Meares and an unrelenting persistence and dedication on my behalf.
So far in the trip I have taken over 500 photos and I would like to put them all up but some unfortunately are not that great! Below are a few of the photos I have taken with various team members...more to come at a later stage.

Alex Bird and I on the way to gym

Scotty Sunderland and I getting ready to tear up the road

That's all from me this time around. I hope you all enjoyed. Take care all...

39 days and counting...

Karls : )

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Hey Y'all,

Living in Australia means that travelling anywhere means one word - EPIC. 30hours of travel it took to get from Adelaide to the USA and it was a long and arduous trip - but non the less part of the job and I am pretty much so used to it now that I hardly ever get that cranky - unless you're name is Scott Sunderland (one of my team mates who at times infuriates me)!

Our first trip was from Adelaide to Auckland and because we had 40pieces of luggage between 13people we had to be at the airport a lot earlier to make sure we got it all on properly! As you can in the picture below we had a lot of stuff!
Check in was actually really quite effortless and we didn't get stuck with too much excess so thank you Air NZ! The trip to NZ was pretty easy, I slept for half of it and watched a few movies which was good. It was a nice new airplane to so that was cool...it even had an I-pod charger where the TV is in the back of the seats which is a lifesaver because I have my I-pod on 24/7 when I am travelling.

We had a pretty long wait in Auckland airport, so we decided we might indulge ourselves in a little massage. Unfortunately there was only one guy working so it was first in best dressed and out mechanic Stu got in there first for a full body massage...I was kind of glad not to get one after I saw how this guy massaged!

Our trip from Auckland to Los Angeles was a nice 11.5hour trip and I think its worth mentioning here that on both flights so far I have been seated next to the one person I cant seem to escape...Dan! Dan Ellis is one of the guy sprinters, with whom I live with...seriously what is with that?! Ha-ha! The trip wasn't too bad and I slept for maybe 4hours of it - a restless sleep mind you but sleep!

When we arrived in LA we were hit with our first feeling of warm weather for some time! OH YEAH! I have been to a few airports in the past and I have to say there are none worse than LA airport. After clearing customs, where you have to give you're fingerprints and have a mugshot taken (I am not joking) we had to pick all of our equipment up and we thought we just had to take it to a conveyor belt past the guys who check you're bags if you have anything to claim...well we were able to drop off our personal luggage but the bikes on the other hand, because they are over sized, we had to take to terminal 3. We were in Terminal 1. How do you get to terminal 3? Ha-ha...we certainly didn't know how...
Ok...leaving terminal 1...where do we go?...
Through the car park?....
Yep pretty sure we cant go this way...And yep pretty sure this walkway was not built for AIS cyclists with huge bike boxes! ha ha...Ok and yep the check is in upstairs so onto the lift we go!!

Finally we had dropped off our of our stuff and now it was a mad rush to try and get to our connecting flight to our connection on time...we didn't have long! Unlike Australian domestic terminals its not as simple as going through the security checkpoint...you had to have you're ticket checked first (to make sure you were flying - so no family can go in or anything) then you have to take you're shoes and coat off as well as take out all toiletries and computers! Far out! When we all finally made it through we were highly disappointed to see that our connecting flight was delayed!

The last trip was pretty good...I was KO'd the whole way from the moment we took off to the moment we landed which was awesome because it was pretty quick for me!

The airport we arrived in would have to be one the most amazing airports I have ever seen! For a mostly domestic airport its absolutely huge! The roof of the main terminal is made our of sails, so that its energy efficient...I tried to get a decent photo from the outside but it was way too dark to see.
The problem with that airport is that its so big that there are three levels that you can pick up and drop off at. The trolleys cost 4dollars each and were designed to carry bike gear so we couldn't use the trolleys. Luckily (we thought) our baggage carousel was near the pick up zone we we carried all our stuff outside and waited for Gary and Tammie (my coach and head sport scientist) to get the cars. 30minutes later and no sign of them we realised that we weren't so lucky as we were at the 'corporate' pick up zone which meant we had to carry all the luggage (again!) up to the level above us to get it onto the truck. By this stage there were a few cranky people and a few fights happened. Which luckily were sorted.

Midnight and at the wrong pick up zone...damn!

Onto the truck the gear goes.

Another hour and a bit drive and finally we arrived our hotel at 1.30am! 30hours later! We had quick showers and hopped into bed all very tired and glad to be here.

This morning I woke up to the sound of the boys enjoying a spot of basketball before heading to the cafeteria for breaky. We even have a pool outside our building and everything is pretty amazing.
Alex Bird enjoying some basketball with the boys...

I hope everyone back home in Oz are enjoying the cold! I might head down for a swim because I am so hot! Ha ha!

Take care all and until next time...


P.s. This a note to my mother and father...I have already copped crap about the spelling of my name by one of the coaches here at that training centre...he says I am the girl they will remember as having two A's in her name! Ha-ha...great! Love you!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Goodbye Adelaide...Hello my dreams...

Well 4days and counting now before the team and I head off for our final prep for the Commonwealth Games. I suppose its only starting to sink in that in less than two months time I will be rolling out onto the track in Delhi not only wearing the green and gold but for the first time in my career realising one of my childhood dreams. To be a member of any Australian team is a huge honour but to represent Australia at the Commonwealth Games means so much to me. Not only that but its yet another opportunity for me to try and make a stand on the international stage of cycling and put my hand up as one of the favourites going into London in the individual events. Gold is what I am dreaming of and gold is what I want to bring home. This for me is a stepping stone to the ultimate - the Olympics.

The last few days have been quite tough. Training was a little tougher than I expected for an 'easy' week and I struggled by the end of the week. Luckily I have a few very easy days until we fly out as I feel that my body has reached its limit in terms of how far I can push it. This is actually a good thing because it means that I utilised the phase of training to its maximum potential and I didn't under reach or over reach - both of which have serious consequences.

On top of the training load I have desperately been trying to finish two Uni assignments due next week - which I am finding very hard to sit still and complete! I'll get into a roll for 20minutes and then I'll start thinking about how windy it is outside or something else I need to pack in my bag for my trip! Its very frustrating! Like for instance right now I should be finishing them up but I decided to write in my blog instead! Ha-ha!

Tomorrow I will finish the exact art of 'bag packing'. We are allowed 20kg of luggage only to take away for two months. This is not an easy task let me tell you! To give you an idea just on shoes I have to take: gym shoes, runners and 2pairs of cycling shoes. These are necessities (you will notice I didn't include high heels!) and they take a good chunk of weight allowance - not to mention I need to take a variety of training kits. On top of that I have a few odds and ends to tie up and make sure I am basically all set to go tomorrow for a Tuesday departure!

As I may have mentioned in an earlier blog we travel to America for four weeks. After our stint in America we meet up with the rest of the Aussie team for the Com Games in Aigle, in Switzerland. There we will be riding on an indoor 200m track (a size that I have never ridden on before!). We are there for 2weeks before finally heading over to Delhi in India, where I am told we will be the first Aussie team into the village. Which is exciting because we will get first reign on the kit! The official team is announced this week (hopefully my name is on that list!) and I am looking forward to seeing who else will be donning the green and gold in India!

A special mention here to my latest sponsor Selle SMP, who are supplying me with my new saddles. I cant recommend these saddles any more highly. Since I started riding 5years ago I have changed saddles at least every year and finally I have found one which is SO good. Its very comfy and ergonomically designed to accomodate for both males and females. As seen in this picture I am riding the female version of the 'Forma' which is wider in the back (to allow for women with wider pelvic bones like me!) and as you can see it dips down in the middle. This is perfect for me as previously I tended to sit crooked on my seat (mainly because of comfort issues) and this seat doesnt allow this. I love it and I think all cycling enthusiasts should try one!

I will regularly update my blog every few days while I am away so keep an eye on my website.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MUM (aka mothership) FOR TOMORROW. I love you to the stars and back : )

Take care all : )

Monday, August 2, 2010

2010 Copenhagen World Championships Photos cont...

Hi all,

Here are my favourite photos from the last day of competition. I have just used the photos from the final as I cant remember which races are what other than the final. I did it the hard way on this day having to go through the reps, but it worked in my favour. It wasnt until the final that I had worked out all of the crap in my legs after my cramping on the 3rd day. In the first round of the Keirin I actually still felt like I was going to cramp and I remember sitting on the rollers warming up thinking oh my god, I cant do this. Well I made the final and finished 4th - so not a bad effort considering! It was one of those days where I learnt I a lot about myself and my ability to keep fighting to the end - and I certainly did that in the final almost crashing and missing out on 3rd place by a photo finish - I was so desperate for a medal!

This is the repecharge coming out of the final bend into the home straight. I had to finish in the top two to go through and I came three wide and made it through. It was a massive relief and I was angry because I had had such a poor first round. This race hurt the most but it was the race that made my legs feel better afterwards believe it or not!
Last race of the last day. I think I was also one of the last riders riding for Australia. I am 5th wheel and I knew that if I had any chance of winning I needed to be alot closer to the front, soooo.......around I come as the derny swings off. I felt really comfortable here, very in control and I knew I had set myself up for a good chance......just covering myself and waiting for the next attack. I knew that I wasnt quite strong enough physiologically to win it from the front so my tactics were to wait for one to the two big guns to get to the front and then protect their wheel...
...just as I had hoped Simona made an attack around the outside and I was sitting pretty...
...bell lap and I am sitting very nicely. Only problem is that I got a little impatient at this stage as Victoria Pendleton was boxing me in and I should have just relaxed and waited a little longer before trying to come out......uh-oh last lap...one the inside - wrong choice! Start back pedalling! ....

All's I am thinking right now is 'SHIT'! Dont crash, dont crash! I came soooooo very close and I still cant believe I didnt come down! I thought Simona was going to be relegated because she came out of the sprinters lane, hence why I went underneath rather than over the top. If I had of gone over there is no doubt in my mind I would have medalled if not won. Winners were Simona Krupeckaite from Lithunia, Victoria Pendleton from Great Briton and Olga Panarina from Belarus.
Hope you enjoy...Karls : )

Sunday, August 1, 2010

2010 Copenhagen World Championships Photos

Hi all,

I was very lucky to get into contact with a guy on Facebook who took some photos of me and other athletes whilst we were competing at the recent 2010 World Track Championships. Paul Sloper is a big fan of cycling and would love to be a full time cycling photographer. I have attached a few (he took alot more) of my favourites and its needless to say that they are great shots! Thanks Paul!
Favourites from Day One - 500m Time Trial

Setting up in the gates. I was fairly nervous before this one as it was the first event of the meet. A few things went wrong in my prep which didn't help the end result. I finished in 6th I believe.

This would have to be one of favourites of the lot, love the catch of the light.

Favourites from day two - Team Sprint

Setting up in the gates. I believe this photo is after the false start and before Anna falls out of the gate. I reckon Gary our coach is telling us to relax after the false start, I was pretty relaxed - clearly Gary was not! Ha-ha!

Again this is one my favourites, great shot!

The loneliest part of the Team Sprint - on my own down the back straight finishing it off. This shot shows how long the straights were in Copenhagen. Also shows how beautiful the track is.

This photo says it all really. Second World Record of the night - the first women EVER to break the 33second barrier and second time World Champion. I was so happy in this moment because it was a realisation that I had great form and that we had put it together under some immense pressure.

Favourites from day three - Sprint Qualifying and rounds through to 1/4 Finals

Sprint Qualifying. I was strangely composed at this stage and that calmness stayed with me right through until the 1/4finals before I suffered from severe cramps. I rode a PB in the QF. I was very happy.

I raced fellow Aussie Emily Rosemond in the first round. I beat her easily. I am at the bottom of the track.

I raced Willy Kanis from the Netherlands in the second round. Willy and I have had some tough races in the past and she has usually beaten me. I knew I would have to ride hard to win as she was the silver medalist at last years World Championships in the Sprint. I won fairly easily again to go through to the 1/4 Finals.

I had a formidable opponent in the 1/4finals in Simona Krupeckaite from Lithuania. Just before this race I cramped so badly I was crying. I had two minutes to get onto the line and I was still cramping as I sat on bike at the start line in this picture. Any calmness that I felt had disappeared very quickly and I was panicky and upset because I just quite simply couldn't put down any power without cramping. Simona defeated me very easily in two straight rounds.

Because I lost my 1/4final match up I had the 5th to 8th final. By this stage I had been constantly moving for over 2and a half hours because of the cramping and I was exhausted. Non-the less I finished 2nd in this round to finish 6th overall. It was a good end to a devastating result.

The last day was the Keirin. I will do a second post a little later today with my favourite photos from then. I have to go training now!

I hope you like and thanks again Paul.

Karls : )