About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Hi all,

Well the days are rushing past in a bit of a blur here. I am pretty happy because I am sleeping really well and seemed to have gotten into my normal routine quite easily. Although the days are rushing past there has been some ups and downs along the way, but this is to be expected not only in a foreign environment but one in which is very different to anything I have experienced before – not just in terms of the country but in terms of the Games itself.

Yesterday we had the Australian flag raising ceremony in the International Zone. This was very cool and we were treated to some traditional Indian customs like all the different styles of dance and music as well as the different garments that different regions people get married in. We even got some traditional scarves which I have hung above my bed.

Dancers performing for us at the flag raising ceremony

This was an awesome spectacle! All the different costumes represent the different styles of dance that the Indians have across their culture

We all got given scarves when we arrived! Jason Niblett shows off his.Some of the team and I posing for a photo! Left to right: Me, Anna Meares, Cameron Meyer, Daniel Ellis, Shane Perkins and Jason

The flag raises into the air! AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!!!

We have had a few more training sessions and I am starting to feel my legs come together finally. Its quite a weird experience preparing for a major competition and I am still finding it quite hard to relax and let my body do its thing. I had a bit of a moment a few days ago because I had quite an average session, after which my coach told me to pull my head in and trust that its going to happen for me. Then the next day I had a better session – I wouldn’t say it was anything special but it was better and our motto for this competition (my coach and I) is that today was good and tomorrow will be better. I literally can not fault my preparation for this meet so I am content that what ever happens out on the boards I couldn’t do anything more or less to this moment. For the time being I am concentrating on taking things as they come – the time for me is right now.

Back home in Australia the World Road Cycling Championships concluded today in Geelong with Alan Davis coming third in the men's road race – a great effort! In the other events Luke Durbridge came second in the under 23 mens Time Trial and he is the youngest person to medal since Fabian Cancellera 10years ago – which is an amazing achievement considering Fabian is this decades most celebrated Time Triallist in the world, Fabian also won the Time Trial. Riche Porte came 4th in the mens time trial and a big congratulations goes out to Michael Matthews who won the under 23 mens road race – enjoy those pretty rainbows!!

In the women's events the girls did some pretty hard and tough work on the front in the road race, with as I have heard Tiffany Cromwell had the ride of the day amongst the Aussie women. Good work to all the roadies.

The track team and I were informed yesterday that there are two new additions to the team here in Delhi with Luke Durbridge arriving tomorrow to ride as well as Michael Matthews so we look forward to seeing them and celebrating their fantastic achievements, as well as welcoming in the road team in a few days time.

Tonight the Opening Ceremony will officially open the Games here in Delhi and the team and I will be watching from the comforts of our rooms. I am actually quite glad we decided not to go to the opening ceremony as its way too hot outside and although the ceremony starts at 8.30pm we have to be in the holding areas from 3.30pm onwards. Today we were told that over 6000athletes are now settled into the village and you can start to see this with the dining hall being packed at most hours of the day. Because we didn't get to go to the Opening Ceremony we decided as a team to dress in our formal gear and go to dinner in it! We got a few strange looks and some people thought we missed the bus to the Ceremony! It was lots of fun and good to wear the gear as it will probably be the only time I will ever wear it!

Jason, me and Shane lining up for tea!

Cameron Meyer and I

Ashlee Ankudinoff and I.

Anna and I looking sharp! : )

My roomie, Belinda Goss and I

Tomorrow I hop on the track to do my final day of training – pre race! I will have some individual efforts to do and then some Team Sprint work with Anna and then its all over! 3 days of racing! Until Tuesday everyone take care and I hope to hear you all cheering for me and the Aussies!

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