About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Adelaide GP Photos

Hi all,

Here are some photos from the Adelaide GP courtesy of Maggie Elliott from Mags Photography. Mags took the photos for my website as well. Thanks Mags!

This is the Keirin heat. I had two of the guys controlling the race from the front and I was waiting to make a move around the outside on bell lap. I wasn't quite strong enough to come around both guys and finished 3rd and had to go through the Rep.

This is the Keirin Rep. Little did I know that the fourth rider pulled out with a lap and a bit to go so I rode the whole two and a half laps on the front at a reasonable pace, this was about 15min before the Team Sprint Final so I was hurting just a little!
Not sure exactly what this is before, probably the Keirin Rep. Anna and I are chilling waiting to go up! Go the 5Bling gloves as well! : )

Anna and I gearing up for the final of the Women's Team Sprint. We rode a lot better in this round then we did in the heat. In the heat we ran our normal racing tyres but because it was so cold the tyres weren't gripping the track as nicely as they normally would (it was 10degrees - hence the leg warmers and jackets). Anna actually fell out of the gates in our heat because the tyres were so slippery and I almost didn't get on in the heat because my back wheel was skipping. We rode our training tyres in this final and it went a lot better - mind you we were still a fair bit off our World Record!This is me with Malaysian sprinter Fatehah Mustapa. I have raced Fatehah a lot in the past two years, and even teamed up with her for a Team Sprint at the Perth GP two years ago. She is a fantastic opponent with a lot of potential. I hope to race against her at the Commonwealth Games later this year.
Now that I have figured out how to publish photos expect to see a lot more up here from now on! Until next time...
Karls : )

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Adelaide GP

Last weekend our last race meet was raced at our home track in South Australia. The Superdrome was cold and slow as we turned up to compete over two days. The first day was the sprint and the girls were matched up with some men around the same pace when we're at our peak. Obviously being winter and 3months out from an important meet the form wasn't so great and my sprint qualification time was a direct reflection of the training I have been doing as well as the direction I want to head in with my racing. As a result I qualified quite poorly and set myself up with the hard task of meeting a male in the first round. I raced off against Mark Glowacki from South Australia who qualified in 11.6 - definitely not an unbeatable opponent. I raced really well but was out jumped and beaten fairly easily. As a result I was into the B-Finals in which I raced off against all the remaining girls. First up I met youngster Cassie Flugee from Western Australia and won, then I met Junior Worlds representative Holly Williams also from Western Australia and won and then in the final I met fellow New South Wales team mate Cass Kell in which I also won. All in all I actually raced really well which is an improvement from Perth GP, now all I need is the speed!

The following day we had an early start, after a late night and went straight into a Team Sprint at 10am on Sunday morning! (OUCH!). I always say that the first Team Sprint of the season hurts the most and my philosophy held up well as I was in some serious pain at the end of both the heat and final. Anna and I won easily and were content with our time considering the conditions however we have a lot of work to do to get back to our World Record pace!

In between the Team Sprints we had Keirin races and we were once more matched up with the same males from the sprint the day before. I drew one of the harder heats and raced really well but was out classed by the two males in the race and had to go through the rep to get back into the second round. In the rep I had an easy heat and finished easily in the top three to make it through to the second round. In the second round I had my work cut out for me and just missed out in making the major final in a photo finish. I was a little annoyed but pretty happy with my race as I did very well. So I was into the B-final. In the B-final one of the guys decided to take a flyer a fair way out from the finish and I was forced to chase him down. After leading out one Keirin and riding two team sprints I was pretty stuffed and whilst I managed to mow him down I couldn't quite get over the top of him and had to settle for 8th overall.

I was actually very pleased with the weekends racing and have decided it was a good step forward tactically for me. Whilst I didn't have the speed or gas to go with my improved tactical awareness I am satisfied that I am on the right rack for the Commonwealth Games and beyond.

On a disappointing note we have just found out that a few of the key Great British riders are pulling out of the Commonwealth Games. Victoria Pendleton is the current World and Olympic Champion in the Sprint and she has decided not to participate in the games due to a conflict in preparation for the season. I have an appreciation for this decision as I am sure it was a hard one, but at the same time its disappointing to not get the opportunity to race against her. Having said that there are still a number of key competitors to race against and I look forward to the challenge that lies ahead in claiming those gold medals for Australia.

Next up the team and I are preparing for our training camp in America. I am looking forward to getting over there and soaking up the sunshine. After 4weeks there we head to Switzerland to meet up with the whole Australian Team for the Games before heading to Delhi to compete. I will definitely keep you all posted (hopefully with some photos!).

Take care all : )

Karls (or K-Mac as my coach calls me!)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Adelaide GP preview

Hi all,

This week the team and I are preparing for one last racing hit out before the Commonwealth Games. Today I am sitting at home not feeling 100% so I have been given the day off in order to try and be in the best shape possible come the weekend.

Its tough for me to sit at home not doing anything, when I know I could probably train. I also know that if I did train I would almost certainly get sick. As a sprinter we train at above threshold for the majority of sessions and you cant be unwell otherwise you cant ride well and get the adaptation required. This is something that has taken me awhile to be OK with as my old idea of training was you should flog yourself all the time, but as a sprinter you just can not do that.

This week has been and will be quite exciting for me as I have visitors down for a week. Over the weekend I had my good family friend Brie Dutton down and she came and experienced the life of a sprinter...I think I may have scarred her a bit as she joined in on one of our sessions and she was very very sore even before we had cooled down - this is a normality for me. If I don't walk away feeling smashed I haven't done my job right! My dad and my brother arrived as Brie left and my brother stays for a week whilst my dad drove my old car back to Sydney to sell (thanks Dad!). My brother, Jack, recently took up cycling and he is going to be a force to be reckoned with in a few years time when he gets some miles under his legs. My brother is what I call and 'enduro' - or in other words he rides on the dark side! ha-ha!

My mum and my littlest sister come down on Friday and stay over the weekend to watch me race and then I probably wont see any of them until after the Commonwealth Games - and that is one of the many sacrifices I have had to make to be the best I can at what I do.

As most of you may know the Tour De France has begun and Aussie rider Cadel Evans is in Yellow! Go Cadel! It would be great to see him win and be the first Aussie to win the prestigious event - especially as the current World Champ!

I shall update everyone after the weekends racing here in Adelaide.

Take care everyone : )


Sunday, July 4, 2010

Perth GP

Last week the team and I made a quick trip over to chilly Perth for our first race of the season. Flying in the night before and racing all day Sunday before flying home again straight after racing finished, it was a tough 48hours that didn't go as well as I had hoped for considering my very good physical condition for this time of the year.

That aside racing is racing and I learnt a lot and have come out of it a better athlete after a disappointing meet. The day started off at 10am with sprint qualifying in a warm 5degrees!! We were really lucky to be able to race in leg warmers (you're actually not allowed to) and could at least stay a little warmer! I qualified poorly after over gearing myself and suffered the consequences of a sub standard time for me. This then shattered my confidence a little bit and as a result I raced very poorly finishing 3rd overall.

We were lucky (or rather I think unlucky! ha ha) to get the opportunity to race a handicap today and as the same with last year the sprint girls and I were out to show the endurance girls how to ride a bike fast! We did a great job of that with Anna Meares winning the handicap for the second year running after Emily Rosemond and myself led her to victory (dropping the endurance girls in the mean time! hehehe). BUT gease I suffered after that race. My legs were so badly lactated I wanted to curl up into a little ball and cry! It took me a good 10min to come good again before getting back out on the track for the Keirin.

The Keirin as usual went well for me. I put myself in good positions and raced to my strengths against the opponents I was up against. I was a little unfortunate to get beaten by a better rider up the home straight in Anna Meares and I just need a little more time and hard training to be able to hold my own against riders like Anna. All in good time.

This week we entered our last big phase of our prep for the Commonwealth Games and my body is a little worse for wear already! My injury seems to be coming along nicely with only the occasional niggle after our bigger sessions, which is a huge improvement from the everyday pain I was in for a while there. Next up I have the Adelaide GP on the 17th and 18th of July and I am really looking forward to putting out on the track the 'Kaarle McCulloch' that is within me.

Until then...take care everyone!
