About Me

Hi my name is Kaarle McCulloch and I am a track cyclist. I have started this blog so that family and friends can keep up to date with my travels around the world in my quest to become the best athlete that I can be.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Post Delhi Depression, a long a few weeks, Oceania Championships and the future beyond...

Well its been awhile since my last blog, since Delhi to be precise and since Delhi so many things have taken place as hinted in my title.

After any major meet I usually always get what I call a post big race depression. Its hard for sprinters in particular as we train all year for 4days of competition at peak form and whilst when its 5months away it seems like an eternity before you know it you’re on the plane back home.

Delhi was slightly disappointing for me and its hard for me to say that considering I walked away with a gold and silver medal. I don't wish to sound precious but my form in Delhi was sub standard and it was hard for me to deal with initially. The disqualification in the sprint on the last day was kind of the icing on the cake (in a bad way) and the reality of the past few weeks came crashing down on me like an avalanche. I really struggled for a few good days mentally and motivationally, it wasn't until I got off the plane in Sydney and seen my family for the first time in two months that I was finally able to let go of Delhi and relax and refocus.

True to my character though I am fighter and after going through the Delhi experience I am in a much better frame of mind moving forward – particularly after some really positive and encouraging meetings with my coach Gary West.

After racing finished in Delhi a short break was all we were given due to the fact that Melbourne World Cup followed Delhi only 6weeks later and we need to be in some decent form as the Olympic Qualification process begins. Unfortunately for me I got quite badly sick after Delhi which forced me to have a two week break – I was one of a few from the team who came down with the same illness and actually came off OK. Something which in hindsight has actually helped to allow me to have a bit of extra time both mentally and physically to recover. The first few training sessions back hurt like hell and the first few weeks consequently were tedious and full of aching muscles, a few tears and lots of sessions in the recovery centre and massage room with my swanny Berthy May.

4weeks into the training though I started feeling reasonably good and showing some positive signs which have carried over to the first race of the season – the Oceania Championships. I regained the majority of my strength back in the gym and for the first time in nearly two years my hip has held in place for longer than a week (I am up to 4weeks now – touch wood!) and feel like I am actually on the road to recovery after an injury that has caused a significant amount of pain and grief in my day to day life and on the bike.

Prior to the Oceania Championships I was allowed a few days home in Sydney in which I was able to attend the NSWIS (NSW Institute of Sport) awards which I was honoured to be nominated for four awards and came away with the Team Athlete of the year award. NSWIS does so much for me and I am very grateful to the institute and the support they continue to provide to me.

It was also my littlest sister, Mackenzie, birthday when I was home and I spent a few days spoiling her, taking her to Little Athletics, McDonald's for breakfast and countless hours making cupcakes and jumping on the jumping castle with her! It was so much fun and I love and miss her so much.

The Oceania Championships for me was the beginning of what is going to be a long road to London with points up for grabs. This year I teamed up with Emily Rosemond in the Team Sprint in an unusual position for me! First wheel! Anna and I have a long standing joke between us that she has the 'easy job' in riding only one of the two laps but after this week I think I much prefer the second wheel as I think first wheel is tougher!! Although I did ride quite well in the first lap and I was actually purposefully under-geared to save some energy for next weeks Melbourne World Cup, and my big program on the first day which saw me ride both Team Sprint and Time Trial. Emily and I were successful in winning the Team Sprint and claiming the first points up fro grabs for the Olympics.

Later that night I rode the Time Trial and also won to top off a good nights worth of racing. With the first race of the season over I struggled to sleep that night with aching muscles – a good sign as it means I am getting my 'race legs'. The next day I backed up with the sprint. My qualifying was rather average in 2nd spot behind Anna in 11.5. Despite this my racing made up slowly though the rounds as I got my race head back on and rode some really positive and good races. A few small mistakes to be tweaked for next week, and I think I am in a good position to ride some tactically efficient races against some opponents who will likely have better legs than me at this time of the year next week.

In order to conserve some energy I opted out of riding the Keirin as I felt like I got the hit out required to prepare me for Melbourne next week by riding against Anna in the Sprint final. A risky decision but sometimes we have to take risks in order to move forward.

My brother, Jack, came and raced this week as well and he had his first crash on the track in the junior men's point score. Luckily he didn't get hurt and he also didn't rip his skin-suit and he was up the next day racing the Omnium. There is still one more session to go and Jack is sitting in 15th place with the scratch race and Kilo to go. As a first year he is developing the skills he needs now to come out next year and show the world what hes got!

The Australian team and I leave for Melbourne on Tuesday and we are all looking forward to the challenge that the world will bring us on our home turf. It will be a tough world cup and I am sure that everyone is going to be out to claim early points for the Olympics! It will be a great show and I encourage everyone who can to come and watch and support the Aussie team. Below is the link to the World Cup homepage and you can buy tickets online by following the prompts!


I will try and update everyday throughout the World Cup so stay tuned if you cant come and watch!

Take care all and wish me luck! : )


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